11.02 – 29.04.2017

ARTISTS: Enrico Boccioletti, Francesco Candeloro, CCH, Laura Renna, Vanessa Safavi, Tyra Tingleff

Which are the spatial relationships, of distance, of approaching, of meeting, and of contact, that are created between viewers, the artworks, and environment? How are we influenced and how can we influence our life in relation to the distance we put between ourselves and the other, in the broadest sense of the term? How the past, present, and also future exhibitions influence an exhibition space? These questions will be addressed in the two-stage project held by Marignana Arte, inspired by Edward T. Hall’s book “The hidden dimension”.

Press Release The hidden dimension


ARTISTI: Enrico BocciolettiFrancesco CandeloroCCH, Laura RennaVanessa SafaviTyra Tingleff

Quali sono le relazioni spaziali, di distanza, avvicinamento, incontro, contatto che vengono a crearsi tra visitatore, opera e ambiente? Come siamo influenzati, e influenziamo, la nostra vita in relazione alla distanza che poniamo tra noi e l’altro, nel senso più ampio del termine? Come influenzano uno spazio espositivo le mostre passate, presenti e future? Da queste premesse si avvia il progetto espositivo in due tempi di Marignana Arte, ispirato dal libro di Edward T. Hall “The hidden dimension”, volto ad approfondire quelle dimensioni nascoste dell’opera nella sua processualità e relazione con il fruitore e con lo spazio nel quale viene a situarsi.

Comunicato stampa The hidden dimension


 Installation view of The Hidden Dimension, Chapter I, by CCH, Renaissance, 2013, military adhesive tape on mirrors, variable measures, nastro adesivo su vetro

CCH and Francesco Candeloro
 installation view of The Hidden Dimension, Chapter I, by Francesco Candeloro, CCH

Tyra Tingleff, Laura Renna and Vanessa Safavi
installation view of The hidden dimension, chapter I, by Tyra Tingleff, Laura Renna and Vanessa Safavi

Laura Renna
Installation view of The hidden dimension, chapter I, by Laura renna, Grove, 2016, site specific installation (variable dimension), copper, brass, veneers of wood

Laura Renna
Detail of Laura renna, Grove, 2016, site specific installation (variable dimension), copper, brass, veneers of wood

Francesco Candeloro, Tyra Tingleff and Laura Renna
Installation view of TheHidden Dimension, chapter I, by Francesco Candeloro, Tyra Tingleff and Laura Renna

Vanessa Safavi
Installation view of The Hidden Dimension, Chapter I, by Vanessa Safavi, Hands Bite, 2017, silicone and frame, 95 x 70 cm

Vanessa Safavi and Enrico Boccioletti
Installation view of TheHidden Dimension, Chapter I, by Vanessa Safavi and Enrico Boccioletti

Enrico Boccioletti
Installation view of The Hidden Dimension, Chapter I, by Enrico Boccioletti,Content Aware Series, 2011-2013, C-print on cotton rag paper, variable dimensions

Laura Renna
Installation view of The Hidden Dimension, Chapter I, by Laura Renna, Shade #3, 2016, photo print on dibond and brass frame


The Hidden Dimension – Chapter I, Marignana Arte, Venezia, Chiara Vedovetto, Exibart, April 2017
“Dimensioni nascoste. Una collettiva a Venezia”, Federica Bianconi, Artribune, April 2017
“The hidden dimension” at Marignana Arte Contemporanea, Venice, Mousse Magazine, March 2017
The hidden dimension: il rapporto fisico/percettivo tra opera e spettatore, Igor Zanti, Espoarte, March 2017
The hidden dimension a Marignana Arte, Veronica Tuzii, Corriere del Veneto, February 2017
The Hidden Dimension – L’importanza delle distanze, Elena Bordignon,ATP Diary, February 2017
Art cities:Venice-The Hidden Dimension, DreamIdeaMachine, February 2017