Light, Sound, Space and Movement: a multidisciplinary exploration through emerging technologies – H-farm Campus
20.05.2024 h 14.30

Talk: Light, Sound, Space and Movement: a multidisciplinary exploration through emerging technologies
Monday May 20th h 2.30-4.30 pm
Organized by H-farm International School
H-FARM CAMPUS, Via Adriano Olivetti 1, 31056 Roncade

The lecture will focus on the history and evolution of fuse* and an in-depth examination of some of the principles underlying the studio’s modus operandi, through a description of the creative process that has led to the realization of some of its most representative projects, as well as the technological exploration and artistic research work carried out in recent years. 

Particular attention will be given to the peculiar mixture of multidisciplinary languages and scientific references used to interpret the complexity of human and natural phenomena through the exploration of emerging technologies as Deep Learning, diffusion models and generative design.

Guest Speakers:
Mattia Carretti – Founder & Director 
Alessandro Mintrone – Creative Technologist

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