“Artificial Botany”
HKDI Gallery
3.12.2022 – 2.04.2023

Artificial Botany
Hong Kong Design Institute – Hong Kong, HK
3.12.2022 – 2.04.2023

Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) and its affiliated HKDI Gallery, present a landmark exhibition of media art, Hylozoism: An Arts & Technology Exhibition, featuring a hotly anticipated international artists lineup. As the last opening of 2022, the triptych version of Artificial Botany by fuse* will be included in the newly announced show.

Building on the concept of hylozoism, or animism, the show takes the works of the invited artists as starting points to explore different aspects of the ever-present, symbiotic interconnections between arts and technology, and how humans and nature interact.

The fuse*’s work will be on view until April 2, 2023.

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Artificial Botany
Hong Kong Design Institute – Hong Kong, HK
3.12.2022 – 2.04.2023

L’Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) e la sua affiliata HKDI Gallery, presentano la mostra di riferimento per la media art Hylozoism: An Arts & Technology Exhibition, con una selezione di artisti internazionali molto attesa. Come ultima apertura del 2022, la versione trittica di Artificial Botany dei fuse* sarà inclusa nella mostra appena annunciata.

Partendo dal concetto di ilozoismo, o animismo, la mostra prende le opere degli artisti invitati come punto di partenza per esplorare diversi aspetti delle interconnessioni sempre presenti e simbiotiche tra arte e tecnologia, e delle interazioni tra uomo e natura.

Il lavoro dei fuse* sarà visitabile fino al 2 aprile 2023.