E-merging Nature

ARTISTS:  Stefano Arienti, Mariella Bettineschi, Arthur Duff, Claudia Losi, Quayola, Laura Renna

Marignana Arte opens on this coming Saturday 17 February, from 6 PM, an exhibition project curated by Ilaria Bignotti and Federica Patti, with six outstanding artists – Stefano Arienti – Mariella Bettineschi – Arthur Duff – Claudia Losi – Quayola – Laura Renna – who have agreed to inflect their own language in poetically coherent works, in many cases created expressly. As the title suggests, the exhibition addresses 21st-century Nature, explored as a surviving model, a stimulating yet melancholy icon, or else an image mediated by the digital culture.
Through the works on exhibit Nature will either be emerging or implied, mediated or transformed, pure or contaminated by the visual languages: always a reference and parameter of a perhaps still possible relation between Man and the individual, the cosmos and the collectivity.

Press Release


ARTISTI:  Stefano ArientiMariella BettineschiArthur Duff, Claudia LosiQuayolaLaura Renna

Marignana Arte inaugura il prossimo Sabato 17 febbraio, dalle ore 18, un progetto espositivo a cura di Ilaria Bignotti e Federica Patti, con sei artisti di altissimo livello, che hanno aderito declinando il loro linguaggio in opere di coerenza poetica e in molti casi appositamente realizzate: Stefano Arienti – Mariella Bettineschi – Arthur Duff – Claudia Losi – Davide Quayola – Laura Renna. Come suggerisce il titolo, la mostra si rivolge alla Natura del XXI secolo, indagata quale sopravvivente modello, icona attivante eppur melanconica, o ancora immagine mediata dalla cultura digitale.
Attraverso le opere esposte, la natura sarà così emergente o sottesa, mediata o trasformata, pura o contaminata dai linguaggi visivi: sempre, riferimento e parametro di una forse ancora possibile relazione tra uomo e individuo, cosmo e collettività.

Comunicato Stampa


Download the catalogue / Scarica il catalogo

Tra natura e artificio. Una collettiva a Venezia, Roberta Vanali, Artribune, April 2018
“E-merging Nature” and “Nature-Process-Synthesis” at Marignana Arte, Venice, Mousse Magazine, March 2018
E-merging Nature, Sonia Braga, AD, February 2018
Arte contemporanea Febbraio 2018: le mostre da non perdere, The Art Post Blog, Alice Traforti, February 2018
A Venezia torna il weekend delle gallerie, Arianna Testino, Artribune, February 2018
Davide Quayola, Laura Rositani, Juliet, January 2018, download 


Quayola, Arthur Duff, Claudia Losi

Jardin #C1-2_A, 2018, inkjet print on cotton paper, 73 x 127 x 7 cm, unique edition

No Plot, 2016, lava stone, red neon, rope, variable measures

Fragment_M51, 2012, polyester rope and iron frame, 50 x 50 x 8 cm

Arthur Duff, Stefano Arienti, Laura Renna

Paesaggio ritratto, 2018, digital print on silk and linen, 250 x 160 cm

Pink flamingos on Lake Nakuru, Kenya, 2017, mechanical embroidery on printed paper, 60 x 80 cm

Panorama, 2018, printed photography and gold thread, 50 x 40 cm

Sphere of Influence, 2017, print on Hahnemule paper, cotton, glass, marbles, 105 x 105 x 5,5 cm

Mariella Bettineschi, Claudia Losi, Laura Renna

Mariella Bettineschi, Claudia Losi

Windy Grass, 2017, printed book page, cotton thread, watercolor, 60 x 78 x 4 cm

L’Era Successiva-Natura, 2012, digital painting, direct print on plexiglas, mirror, 105 x 140 x 4 cm

L’Era Successiva-Natura, 2010, digital painting, direct print on plexiglas, mirror, 105 x 140 x 4 cm

L’Era successiva – Natura, 2012, digital painting, direct print on plexiglas, mirror, 60 x 80 x 4 cm