Samo Shalaby

Fantôme Fête, 2022, acrylic on antique wooden headboard, 150 x 145 cm

Leda, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 28 x 22 cm

Time, acrylic and gold pigment on oval canvas, 40 x 30 cm

Beyond Emerging Artists2023, Manarat Al Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi, November  2023 – January 2024

Samo Shalaby was born in Cairo in 1999. Lives and works between Dubai and London.

Samo Shalaby è nato al Cairo nel 1999. Vive e lavora tra Dubai e Londra.


Abu Dhabi Art’s Beyond Emerging Artists Curated by Morad Montazami, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Aphrodite to Mars, curated by Nina de Maria, Daniel Benjamin Gallery, London, UK
Ahlam, Curated by Dijit, Spilled Milk Gallery, Amman, Jordan.
Existence is Elsewhere, curated by Nathan Baumber, The Cake Room Project, London, UK.
Identity Speaks, curated by Ollie Oliver and Joe Golden, The Buffalo Project, New York, USA.
Central Saint Martins Graduate Showcase. London, UK.
 Exodus, Exhibition, Spine Mag, London, UK.