
Annette Skarbek
From April 13rd to May 20th 2024
Marignana Arte Project Room, Dorsoduro 140 A, Rio Terà dei Catecumeni, Venice

Vernissage Saturday 13 April, 5 pm

Brazilian artist Annette Skarbek presents a series of six paintings where she plays with the visual ambiguity of images inspired by her collages, exploring the tension between figuration and abstraction, while creating shapes that allow multiple interpretations. Each part of her creations dialogues with the others through an intricate visual interplay, resulting in a kind of “ars combinatoria” suspended in space. The blank canvas becomes a stage on which an intense fragmentation of colours and tones takes place, similar to musical notes in a score. Skarbek employs a painting technique that could be described as “cellular”: an orchestration of hubs that can be seen both at a distance as a choral composition and up close as separate units. The drawing lines, left visible as remnants of a visual support, create a kind of drawn spider’s web that serves as a starting point, revealing more detail up close. In this intricate visual weave, colours emerge as fragments of a hidden essence, inviting the viewer to plunge into the depth of the work.

Chromatic Archipelagos and Collages, text by Adolfo Montejo Navas

Biennale e dintorni, cosa vedere a Venezia #2: tra Campo San Pietro e San Marco, Exibart, April 2024

Annette Skarbek, Constellation, installation view

Annette Skarbek, Constellation, installation view

Annette Skarbek, Constellation, installation view

Untitled, 2023, oil and graphite on linen, 130×160 cm

Untitled, 2023, oil and graphite on linen, 130×160 cm

Untitled, 2021, oil and graphite on linen, 134×100 cm

Untitled, 2023, oil and graphite on linen, 150×90 cm

Untitled, 2023, oil and graphite on linen, 150×90 cm

Untitled, 2023, oil and graphite on linen, 150×90 cm